Behind the scenes photos from Production of The IP Section
Wes on day 1 of filming the pilot for “The IP Section.”Wes trying to remember his lines while the shot is set up. Bobbi Farnworth providing hair and make-up for “Judith” (Colleen Baum).Wes and the crew getting things ready for the scenes in the comedy club. “Tony,” played by Danor Gerald, excited at the comedy club. Production crew members Wesley Johnson, Jason Conforto & Kohl Glass & Wes “Brian” (Jake Van Wagoner) listening intently to Wes’ advice.Kohl Glass, director of the pilot for “The IP Section.”Wes and “Reid” (Rick Macy) getting ready to shoot an office scene. Crew member Tyler Meiners on the office set.Wes and “Brian” (Jake Van Wagoner) between shots in the office. Director Kohl Glass works on a scene in the office.“Reid” (Rick Macy) giving his infamous advice. Jason Conforto, Kohl Glass, Jake Van Wagoner, Rick Macy & James Alexander. Bobbi Farnworth (hair & make-up) having a laugh on set. “Judith” (Colleen Baum) is confused as Wes tries to avoid talking about his comedy dreams. Wesley Johnson, Director of Photography.Wes living his dream on set!“Brian” (Jake Van Wagoner) caught between costume changes. We think. “Tony” (Danor Gerald) points out the talent scouts to Wes and “Judith” (Colleen Baum).The whole crew on the last day of filming.
Film Festivals
Gallery of our Film Festivals
Some of the cast & crew on the red carpet at iTVFest.Everyone enjoying Vermont in the fall!Wes’ dreams on the Big Screen!The Q&A following one of the screenings at iTVFest. Outside the screening venue.It’s hard to recognize Reid (Rick Macy) with a bald head and beard.Wes and James, director of “My Dream’s A Joke” visit Chinatown in San Francisco.Wes and James before the screening of My Dream’s A Joke.Wes and Jessica in front of The Roxie Theater in San Francisco.The Q&A after the screening of “My Dream’s A Joke” at SF Indie Fest.Wes & Marianne visit Chinatown during Chinese New Year. Wes and James with Jay, the programmer who picked us for SF Indie Fest!